Collection and management of industrial, commercial and automotive waste.

Metalub nuestra esencia

Innovative and sustainable solutions for industrial, commercial and automotive waste.

Join us in our mission of cleaning Costa Rica!

In Metalub, we commit ourselves to serve and manage your waste in the most efficient and responsible way possible.Our team is trained to handle hazardous waste, providing the peace of mind to know that they are being properly treated.

In addition, for their safety and environment, we offer specialized training on hazardous waste management.We want it to be informed and prepared to take preventive measures.

And that is not all, to the waste you trust in our hands, we provide a certificate of traceability.This guarantees transparency throughout the process, from collection to its final disposal.

Together, we can make a difference.Contribute to clean Costa Rica with Metalub, its ally for responsible management of its waste.

We collect a wide range of industrial, commercial and automotive waste.

We handle your waste in a responsible manner, ensuring your recycling or discarded following the current environmental norms.

Used Oil






Plastic Containers


Solutions that extend the useful lifecycle of hazardous waste.

Metalub nuestra esencia

Specialized transportation service

Metalub offers a complete hazardous waste management service with certified trucks and tankers. Our trained staff guarantees safety throughout the process.
In addition, we provide environmental certificates with traceability and permits from the Ministry of Health.We offer free collection of used oil and provide collection services throughout Costa Rica.

Oil filter recycling service

Oil filters are compacted to rescue used oil and create 'bricks'. The scrap is subsequently exported for proper recycling.
Metalub nuestra esencia

Air filter maintenance service

With high-tech machinery we offer maintenance for up to 5 times to a used filter, extending its useful life. Through a process of measuring pressure or resistance to air flow, extraction of impurities and dirt and LED light to verify the integrity of the filter.

By applying circular economy, we are preventing waste from ending up in landfills that are already saturated.

Metalub soluciones para un futuro mas sostenible

We are by law the best environmental option for used oils.We help the country's trade balance, maintaining valuable resources in its productive cycle and generating jobs in Costa Rica.

Do you know the Law for Integral Waste Management No. 8839?

Promulgated by the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Costa Rica, it establishes a legal framework for the proper management of waste in the country.

Article 4 of this law establishes the hierarchy in comprehensive waste management. This principle prioritizes the actions to be taken with waste, giving priority to its prevention, reduction, reuse and recycling. This approach seeks to minimize waste generation and promote sustainable practices in its management.

Request the collection of your waste

Complete the form below to request the waste collection service for your company or organization, and one of our agents will contact it as soon as possible.

If you want to make the request by WhatsApp chat with us at +506 800-METALUB

Some of our clients of MetaSoluciones with successful results

Uber logo
Lanco logo
Emergencias Medias
Automercado logo
Correos de Costa Rica logo
Cafe Britt logo
Bomberos Costa Rica logo
Dipo logo

Ready to change more than your oil?