Our Solutions

Comprehensive services and sustainable products to preserve the planet.


Metalub Products

Metalub is the only lubricant made in Costa Rica with the least environmental impact and with a quality superior to many market oils.We manufacture sustainable quality products, mixed and formulated with base oil obtained from the re-refined process in our Costa Rica plant, complying with the most demanding international quality standards on the market.

Our products meet the highest quality standards under the API license (American Petroleum Institute)

API SAE logos

Metalub Services

We have comprehensive services to meet the needs of the automotive and industrial markets, rescuing and reusing the hazardous waste of these industries. With our service network we give the best final destinations to this waste.We offer innovative and sustainable solutions for industrial, commercial and automotive markets.
Camion Metalub recolectando aceite usado

Innovative solutions for industrial and commercial waste management

MetaCentro Mantenimiento Automotriz Sostenible

Sustainable Automotive Maintenance Center

MetaLab Laboratorio de Analisis de aceites

Advanced analysis laboratory to ensure the quality of your products

Ready to change more than your oil?